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Katy Ratican
22 Aug 2022
6 minutes

Payment reminder messages: Text templates and best practices

Here are some payment reminder message templates that you can use to encourage your customers to pay on time
Payment reminder messages text templates

Although many small business customers pay on time, sometimes they do forget. A payment reminder message can give them a gentle nudge to make the payment. This article includes a selection of effective payment reminder messages and some best practices for small business owners to follow.

Similar to how appointment reminder messages can reduce no-shows, payment reminder messages can increase collections. Calling customers for payments can be tricky. A payment reminder message on the other hand looks innocuous and even professional. But it’s important to use the right payment reminder template to get the best results.

Why you should send payment reminder messages

Using appointment reminder apps and payment reminder templates can reduce the need for your team members to repeatedly follow up through calls. Text messages have high open rates and are instantly read, making them one of the most effective mediums.

Secondly, even if someone is too busy to answer a call, they might have time to read an SMS. The notification itself could remind them of the payment. The third reason is that even after agreeing to pay on a call, they could forget afterwards. But a payment reminder message will stay as a reminder on their phone.

Payment reminder text message templates

The best appointment booking apps will send structured reminders. Similarly, you need a payment reminder template for different parts of the payment cycle. And unlike other reminders, payment reminder messages should have different tones, from gentle to strong. Here is some payment reminder templates your small business can use.

Scheduled payment reminder messages

Merely sending a payment reminder message can boost your collection rate and reduce the need for any customer service agent to call them. At this stage, you state the facts without sounding pushy.

  1. Hi (name)! This is to remind you that your (business or service) payment for (amount) will be due by (date). For more information and payment options, click (URL).

  2. Hey (name), this is your scheduled payment reminder for (amount) that’s due by (date). Click here for payment options (URL). (Business)

  3. This is to remind you that your next loan payment is due by (date). Click here to pay (URL).

Gentle payment reminder messages

If the customer hasn’t paid, you can send a gentle reminder in the next few days. In case they genuinely forgot, this payment reminder template will remind them to make the payment.

  1. Hi (name), this is to remind you that your payment of (amount) has been due since (date). Click here to pay now (URL).

  2. Hey (name)! In case you forgot to make your payment of (amount), here’s your reminder. Click here to pay (URL).

  3. Hi (name). Your payment of (amount) is still outstanding. To avoid late fees, please pay before (date). Thank you.

Strong payment reminder messages

If the gentle payment reminder template hasn’t done its job, it’s time to up the ante and use stronger language. It’s important to note that these messages should inform that you have previously reached out to the customer for payment. Keep in mind that you also have to be courteous because you want to continue your relationship with the client.

  1. Dear (name), we’ve been contacting you regarding your payment since (date). If you don’t make the payment by (the final due date), we will be forced to suspend your account/cut off your services. Regards, (Business)

  2. Dear (name), we still haven’t received your payment of (amount) for (period/month) despite several notifications. If we don’t receive it by (the final due date), we will be forced to pursue legal action. Pay now to avoid that. (Business)

  3. This is a final reminder that we haven’t received your payment for (period/month) despite several reminders. If we don’t receive it by (the final due date), we will move the case to court. (Business)

Final payment reminder messages

If nothing has worked, this is how you inform the customer that you’ll be pursuing legal action. This might encourage some to pay since they would want to avoid matters being taken to court.

  1. Dear (name), despite several reminders, we haven’t received your payment of (amount) for (period/month). We’re now pursuing legal action. If it’s a mistake, call us on (phone number). (Business)

  2. Dear (name). After several attempts to remind you, we still haven’t received your payment of (amount). This has forced us to take legal action. Call (phone number) for more details. (Business)

  3. Unfortunately, your failure to pay (amount) for (period/month) has forced us to take legal action. Call us on (phone number) for more information.

Best practices for sending payment reminder messages

Modify your language. The initial reminders should be soft and respectful. Remember that it could be an honest mistake on their part. If a customer has still not paid after a few reminders, you are within your rights to modify the tone to something stronger.

Mention the business. There could be several messages in their inbox and the name of your business makes it easy to remember the payment.

Include the details. Include the amount, period if necessary, due date, payment options and other details. This will also make your legal case stronger.

Give enough time. They might need a few days to arrange the funds and make the payment.

Add information about previous reminders. This can further strengthen your case if it does end up in court.

How to send payment reminder messages with Chalkboard

Chalkboard allows you to effortlessly chat with your customers. You can set payment reminder templates and inform your customers without having to pay extra for every message.

You can also use the group broadcast SMS feature to send the same message to multiple people without having to type them out.

Chalkboard: Making payment reminder messaging easier

Not only does Chalkboard give you a second line for work, it also allows you to use the power of text-based customer engagement to grow your revenue. You can easily separate your work and personal contacts and its messaging lets you talk to your customers for everything from appointments to payments.

You don’t have to employ additional staff or pay for every payment reminder message. Plus, your team members can use it from anywhere as long as they’re connected to the internet.

Download Chalkboard and start instantly. It’s time to unlock the power of SMS for your business.

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