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Katy Ratican
10 Jun 2021
3 minutes

No business should be without a second phone number

There are many professional and personal reasons why local business owners should have a second phone number
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In the early stages of starting a local business, many owners never give much thought to getting a second phone number. That’s understandable because you're mostly focused on getting more business and on your day-to-day operations. But getting a second phone number for your business could be a smart decision for both your professional and personal lives.

Many people have a romanticised image of a local business owner. They believe it’s someone rooted in the community, serving its customers, always adding a personal touch to what they do. But what most people don’t notice is that being an independent business owner is one of the toughest jobs out there.

Two numbers for your many roles

As a local business owner or manager, you’re the chief executive, chief operating officer, head of sales, head of marketing, customer relations chief and supply chain officer, just to name a few. While it’s exceptionally fulfilling to wear all these hats, it can slowly but steadily ensure that your professional and personal lives blend into each other.

You could be watching a match and suddenly get a call from your vendor. You could be out for a walk and have to quickly reply to a customer’s grievance. You’re supposed to be always available. But always being available on the same number isn’t a sign of a professional business.

While there are several reasons for a business to set up a second phone number, the most important one is this: with a second phone number, your business will appear more professional.

Reasons why every local business should have a second phone number

Organise professional contacts

Your vendors, distributors and team members shouldn’t be clubbed together with your family and friends on your personal number. They need to be separate and well-organised, which is what a second phone number allows you to do.

It makes it exceptionally easy to search for not just their contact information but also their call and communication history.

Professionalise responses

“I’m at dinner, let me call you back” isn’t a professional response. That’s exactly what you’ll be forced to do if you use the same number for business and personal communication. But with a second phone number, you can automate your responses.

You can direct your callers to voicemail or even better, send auto-reply texts.

Streamline your workflow

If you’re like most local businesses, chances are that your business communication is spread across various apps. You may prefer to send SMS to some associates while using apps to talk to others. Sometimes you could communicate to the same individual through several such channels.

This means that your communication is scattered across platforms, making it difficult to cohesively collect them. A second phone number allows you to put everything together, which saves you time and effort.

Safeguard your privacy

You may not remember how long you’ve been giving out your personal number for business purposes. Through business cards, email signatures and website contact details, your personal phone number could be everywhere. This isn’t good news for your privacy.

That concern for privacy might discourage you from sharing your number – which isn’t good news for your business either. A second phone number for work is your solution. It guarantees privacy and ensures that your personal number stays private.

Stay organised with a second number

A second phone number will make your business look more professional and go a long way in separating your professional and personal lives. But beyond those conveniences, you can also use its tools to stay organised and grow your business.

Add team numbers to any phone
Keep work separate, personal numbers private, and share calls and texts with your team 🚀
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Help & advice
10 minutes

A second phone line for work is one of the most effective ways of making the most of the resources available to you.

Help & advice
4 minutes

A second phone line is a convenient, easy and affordable solution to separate the personal and professional lives of business owners