Washington phone numbers

Get a local Washington phone number and bring your business into the heart of global influence.
Washington phone number

Connect to the Pacific Northwest's business giant

Beyond the lush greenery and majestic mountains of the Evergreen State lies a powerful pulse of technology and innovation. Washington, the birthplace of world-dominating corporations, extends its business influence beyond the Pacific Northwest, resonating on a global scale. With Washington's far-reaching influence, businesses command a global presence that extends well beyond the Pacific Northwest.

Washington's diverse economic landscape

A mosaic of opportunity, Washington State's economy is as varied as its landscapes. Seattle's (206) tech giants stand tall against a backdrop, Spokane's (509) thriving industries and bustling Bellevue through a 425 phone number, establish your presence and tap into the unique rhythm of the state. Connect with Washington – one dial tone at a time.

Which Washington phone numbers can you choose?

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CodeArea served

Area code 206 is the area code for Seattle, WA and the surrounding areas. It is the only area code that serves the area.


Area code 253 is the area code for Tacoma, WA and the surrounding areas. It is the only area code that serves the area.


Area code 360 serves western Washington except Seattle and Tacoma. It includes the cities of Vancouver, Bellingham, and Olympia. It has a single overlay (564) that serves the same area.


Area code 425 is located in Washington and covers Bellevue, Renton, and Redmond. It is the only area code that serves the area.


Area code 509 is located in eastern Washington and covers Spokane, Yakima, Spokane Valley, Kennewick, and Pasco. It is the only area code that serves the area.


Area code 564 serves western Washington except Seattle and Tacoma. It includes the cities of Vancouver, Bellingham, and Olympia. It is an overlay for area code 360 and serves the same area.


Area code 202 covers the entirety of the US capital of Washington, DC. It has a single overlay (771) that serves the same area.


Area code 771 covers the entirety of the US capital of Washington, DC. It is an overlay for area code 202 and serves the same area.

How to use your Washington phone number

Just install the app, choose your new phone numbers and start calling & messaging with the whole team straight away.

Choose business phone numbers

Choose the virtual Washington phone number that you like and secure it instantly. There's no setup fees.

Install the app

It's available on the Apple App Store® (for iPhone®), or on Google Play (for Android phones such as Samsung).

Customise your virtual numbers

Set up your customisable auto-replies and voicemails. Don’t worry if you miss something, you can always make changes later. There are no extra charge for features or calls.

Invite the team

With a few more taps, you can invite the rest of your team. When a call comes in, anyone in the team can pick up. It also allows anyone in the team to make calls from the number and send/reply to SMS.

Messages or Home Hero

Tap into Washington's tech dominance

Home to global tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon, Washington is a beacon of technological innovation. In 2022, it was named the top state for technology and innovation and boasts a highly educated workforce, underpinned by top-tier research institutions like the University of Washington. In fact, Washington ranks among the top ten states for educational attainment, contributing to its strong talent pool across diverse sectors.

Benefit from Washington's business-friendly environment

Thanks in part to its strong GDP growth and low unemployment rate, Washington consistently ranks high on well-respected lists of economic health – with a Washington phone number, you can experience the benefits of this robust economy.

With a Washington phone number, you're setting the stage for your business in one of the U.S.'s most influential and diverse economic environments.

The easy way to share phone numbers with your team

Chalkboard gives you all the business calling and messaging features you need, without a phone system.

Completely flexible

Text and call as a team with shared or private numbers. Flexible and simple.

Takes minutes to set up

No contracts, no phone system, no SIM cards, and no configuration. Just install the app and go!

All the features you need

Including missed call auto-reply, working hours, templates, and much more...

Phone Numbers Black

Select your Washington number, instant free setup

You can search and buy your new phone number now, with instant activation and free setup.

It's the easy way for your team to text and call together without the hassle and complexity of a phone system!

Welcome Wide

FAQs: Washington local numbers

Will I be able to use my Washington area code number outside of Washington?

Yes, that's a major benefit of using virtual local phone numbers. You'll be able to use your WA number from anywhere in the country (and even whilst you're out of the country!).

Can I only get area codes within Washington (WA)?

We can provide virtual numbers for almost anywhere in the country. So you can choose a local virtual number in every area that you serve if you need.

I need more than one WA number, is that possible?

Yes, once you've chosen your first number and logged into the app, you can then add new virtual Washington numbers with just a few taps, with instant setup.

Can I use my Washington number for SMS (text messages)?

Your virtual number will be fully enabled for phone calls, and also text messaging. It's fully business ready. If you have a team, you can even share the number with others on your team.

How do I answer calls to my phone numbers?

You simply need to install our mobile app, and then you'll be able to receive calls, make calls, and send/reply to text messages too.

Washington (WA)

All area codes within Washington