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Written by
Shaina Tennant
5 Apr 2021
4 minutes

Can't delete Facebook Business Page Manager? Try these quick fixes.

A step-by-step guide on deleting Facebook Business Manager, including troubleshooting tips.
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A Facebook Business Manager account gives access to free tools to business owners to help them control their page, see how they’re doing, and send and receive messages.

But, unfortunately, Facebook’s Business Manager can be complicated to use and has a learning curve. It might help to read a really good guide on Facebook Manager to get the hang of things. But if you decide you’re more comfortable with the Pages layout, you can delete your Business Manager. Let us break down how to do this!

Defining the terms

A few terms that might creep up as we discuss how to delete a Facebook Business Manager.

  • Creator. The person who originally made the Facebook Page or Business Manager.
  • Owner. The person who actually owns the page. Facebook allows people to transfer ownership, so the owner isn’t always the Page’s creator.
  • Admin. A person who has permission to administrate functions on a Facebook Page or Business Manager. This can refer to many roles: moderator, analyst, editor, etc.
  • Full Admin. A person who does not own the page, and may not be its creator, but who has all of the access of a Facebook Page or Business Manager owner.

Here is what you will erase

Make sure you truly want to delete your Facebook Business Manager. This action can’t be undone. Deleting Business Manager also deletes the following things:

  • Associated projects
  • Content you have managed, shared, and created
  • Access to other business accounts, Facebook pixels, and ad accounts

With these things in mind, you must prepare yourself for deleting your Facebook Business Manager account. If you take the following steps, your pages will be ready for you after your Business Manager is gone for good.

  • Move your Page(s) to a desired location. If you’re the original owner or creator of a Facebook Page, you can choose where your page will go after deleting Business Manager. This can be you or another Business Manager. If someone else created the page, it goes back to them.
    Download desired content. If your Facebook content isn’t saved elsewhere and you want to reuse it, then save it to your laptop or PC before deleting it.
  • Decide what to do with your ad accounts. An ad account is an account that lets you create advertisements using Facebook Business Manager. This account will be deleted permanently if you shut down your Business Manager, unless you move it to another Business Manager.

Getting started

1. Visit It will show you your personal Business Manager account and those you might have access to as well.

2. Click on the Business Manager account you no longer want around.

3. This will show you a menu including the fly-out menu that has nine small squares. Click on the fly-out menu and choose the icon for Business Settings.

4. You will see the complete Business Manager menu.

5. On the left side, you will see different navigation tools. Click on Business Info.

6. This will show you two options for your business:

  • Leaving, or eliminating yourself from the business. A grey button will show up as “Leave (business name)?” This might be a great option if you need to keep your Business Manager up, but would rather let someone else deal with social media.
  • A grey button that reads Permanently Delete Business. You will only see this if you are the page’s creator or owner, or if you are a full administrator for the business that the Business Manager is associated with. Remember, this option is permanent!

If you hit a few snags...

Your independent business might not be able to delete Business Manager right away. Don’t panic if you get an error message. There are still ways to fix what might be wrong so you can quickly get on with your life. Common reasons why you might not be able to delete your Business Manager right away are:

  • Disabled ad accounts. If your ad accounts don’t comply with Facebook’s Ad Policy, they may be disabled, which will make it harder to delete your Business Manager.
  • Outstanding balances in your ad account. Facebook won’t let you delete your Business Manager if your ad account has an outstanding balance, or if it’s still processing a payment you’ve made to get rid of anything you owe them creating advertisements.
  • You have apps in your Business Manager. These have to be deleted before you get rid of Business Manager.
  • Lead ads, or Business Managers that have approved custom access so that a page can create ads.

Some Business Managers can’t be deleted. These include:

  • Business Managers in the United States used to make disclaimers, such as those common with social issues, campaigns, or political ads.
  • Business Managers associated with an Instagram professional account.
  • Accounts with systems users.
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